Investing in real estate in Dubai

Since the peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, the cooperation has been increasing. Diplomatic and even commercial (very discreet) relations already existed, but not at the same level as since August 2020.

With the proliferation of two-way flights, tourism can flourish despite the current global situation. But this development also affects a large number of additional areas. These, among others, include technology, culture, environment, commerce, health, and the creation of reciprocal embassies.

Due to the pandemic, in the health sector the two countries have already signed several collaborative agreements. For example, one concerning research on the Covid-19 virus, another one on cell therapy.

And what about real estate investments?

One of the increasingly active areas between the two countries is that of real estate investments. Israeli real estate agencies have contacted various agencies in Dubai in order to be able to help and advise potential investors. It might sound complicated, but it is not. Just contact a real estate agency in Israel to receive all the necessary details.

That is not to say that the investments will not go the other way around. Various UAE Groups are also in the process of verifying investment opportunities in Israel.

How to invest in Dubai

Here are the steps for buying real estate in Dubai, whether they are shops, offices or apartments:

1. First, the buyer must choose and reserve the desired property with the chosen real estate agency. For this you must have a copy of the buyer’s passport, email, mobile phone number and address. The buyer will be able to sign the OTP discount form.

2. Then, the latter must pay the deposit within 14 days. This down payment can be 10% or 20%, depending on the payment plan for the property in question.

3. The buyer will then receive from the real estate agency the Purchase Agreement (S.P.A) of the property to be signed. This contract will then be stamped by the real estate agency who will keep a copy and give another to the buyer.

4. When the project is ready, the client will have to pay 100% of the price in order to receive his Constitutive Title of Property.

5. The customer will be able to apply for his investor visa if he buys a unit worth over 1 Million fully paid.

An open door to a successful future

The cooperation that has developed since the peace agreement is an open door to a most fruitful future. Whether it is economic, scientific, security or any other cooperation, both countries will benefit as will the rest of the world.

We can only applaud all those who will invest in this cooperation!

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